by on May 2, 2024
I never understood the attraction of older men, but that all changed one Saturday night when I met Tom in a pub. He was a friendly guy and he kept telling me I had lovely hair and was wearing a great dress. He told me he was 32, but he looked older. When I questioned him, he said, "Why would I be hanging around with lads in their twenties if I'm way older than them?" That made sense. When we all left he grabbed my hand and we started kissing. He asked me back to his and, without really thinking about it, I went. The next morning I woke up, looked at him and thought, 'Oh. My. God!' I found out later that he's 52. That's 32 years older than me and ten years older than my dad. I can't believe I slept with someone who could technically be my grandfather.
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