by on May 2, 2024
I'm up for most things, but I always said I'd never sleep with a friend. I was close to Jack for about a year and a half before anything happened, I'd give him advice about girl problems and he'd come out with me and my boyfriend. When he invited me to an after-hours party at his pub one night, I realised I had feelings for him, and blurted it out. Thankfully he felt the same. We were worried about ruining our friendship, but before I knew it we were having sex on table 15. We've been together three months now. Breaking my sex taboo was the best thing I ever did - if I hadn't, I might've woken up at 55 with my old boyfriend, who didn't make me nearly as happy. Taboos are meant to be broken if it means finding the person you've been searching for all your life.
Posted in: SexTalk, seduction
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