Big Q
on May 19, 2016
Dimension: 1000 x 750
File Size: 404.99 Kb
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Kingston Harper
I think you are missing the point. Such women are not who they are because of who they are with. Instead, this insecurity is just part of their historical baggage. Because using sex as a blackmail tool worked for them (with some other men) in the past, they think it works for all men. Even if you ha... View More
May 22, 2016
rexx simba
Boss,..avoid complicated relationships...Fuck them and Dump them ..!!
May 22, 2016
Kingston Harper
No one is into (or is looking for) these complicated relationships. Sometimes you see an attractive woman. But lo and behold, such a nut case that you need a perfect strategy for exit... without causing drama and all that goes with unstable women...
May 23, 2016
Bigdon Khuzwayo
Nice body, I could hump her
June 9, 2016